Dear Friends:

      This is a tumultuous time, and we regret that we haven’t been able to join together in song to comfort, heal, and hopefully entertain. We miss you dearly and fondly hope that science will find a solution that will allow us all to celebrate in song together.

      As you well know, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to cancel all our shows and gigs and cannot commit to a physical performance in the near future. This has seriously curtailed our income. Unfortunately, we do have ongoing expenses: our director’s salary, virtual meeting tools, coaching, music, etc. These help us “keep our edge sharp” and ensure we will be ready to compete and perform as soon as it is safe. Without income from fundraising,  we project a deficit for the year

      We are turning to you, our friends and greatest supporters, to ask, if you can, to make a tax deductible donation to the Westchester Chordsmen to help defray our ongoing expenses, while we continue to prepare virtual performances. You can make a one-time donation, or, if you are in a position to do so, make it monthly or weekly. Please use our Donation Form, or if you prefer to send a check, mail it to the Westchester Chordsmen at PO Box 587 in White Plains, NY 10602, made out to the Westchester Chordsmen. Another way in which you could help the chorus is to designate the Westchester Chordsmen as your supported charity when you shop at Amazon Smile or Rakuten.

      If you love our singing and love the Chordsmen, as we all do, please consider helping us out financially during this time of need.

Yours in Harmony, gratefully,